Our mission

Nourish the world sustainably.





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we are

Investing in
the innovation
of sustainable

Changing our world for the better means transforming our food system. It means supporting the development of sustainable proteins that outcompete animal-based products on cost, taste, and convenience.

Joyful Focus

The near future will see a radical and rapid shift in our protein system. These changes will be brought about by emerging technology and manufacturing. We invest in sustainable proteins in the following categories:



meat, seafood, dairy, and eggs, which are produced directly from plants. Like animal-based meat, plant-based meat is composed of protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and water.



which uses microorganisms to produce alternative proteins.
Fermentation can create specific proteins, fats, and other molecules and can produce solid-state meat alternatives and novel ingredients.



meat, which is produced by in vitro cell cultures of animal cells rather than the raising and slaughtering of animals. Cultivated meat is identical to conventional meat at the
cellular level.

Joyful Portfolio

Discover the companies transforming our food system. Our portfolio features founders who are turning bold, visionary ideas into reality—nourishing the world with sustainable proteins that excel in taste, nutrition, and affordability.

We believe

Food is love.

By shifting to plant-based, fermentation, and cultivated proteins, we can restore the environment and spare the lives of billions of creatures.

Joyful Perspective

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